Welcome to my Master of Disaster (MOD) Community

You are not alone in reaching out for help to master your adversity and disasters. The truth is, we are all experts at prolonging our suffering despite the fact most of us simply want to have happier, more content lives with less drama and less pain!

So why do we choose to live in ignorance, fear and attachment when we know there is a better way? In most cases, it’s because we don’t know where to start!

Change starts with you….

STOP hoping and praying for some kind of blissful, problem-free future – IT DOESN’T EXIST! Instead, learn to flip your perception and embrace the problem-solving, disaster-mastering process today. 

How do you do this? By changing your focus. Endlessly talking and complaining about your problems is not helping you. In fact, it’s probably making the situation worse and keeping you in a nasty feedback loop of depression and despair. So each time you catch yourself complaining, flip it and instead focus on finding a solution, maybe even reimage your disaster as an opportunity you can use to move forward in a new direction.

Can you see how your life would radically change if you suddenly spent more time honing these skills?

For s start, your life would be far less stressful, emotional and frustrating! Best of all, you’d find yourself bouncing back into that happiness zone more quickly.

When you join my MOD Community you share in the collective effort of understanding and mastering your superpowers. It’s my way of giving back after getting a second chance at life. You can also ask to join in the discussion on my private MOD Community Facebook group page, or you can follow me for daily inspiration on my personal Facebook page HERE

Kickstart your committment to change by reading the first chapter of my memoir Never Let a Good Disaster Go to Waste

‘In this life, we are either in a disaster or between them. And so a spiritual renegade is someone who has wised up a bit, who has dropped the delusion that they are somehow uniquely protected from suffering…and is willing to roll up his or her sleeves and do the hard work of making some inner changes so that they will be able to deal effectively with whatever life throws at them.’ Lama Marut

What is possible?

Like many of you, I was once an expert at prolonging my suffering.

I played the victim, blamed others for my problems, complained regularly, let my fierce inner critic rule my thoughts and allowed stories of dread to enter and control my head.

I was unwilling or unsure about how to let it all go or how to view my problems in a different way. 

BUT after having life kick me in the ass numerous times and enduring a seemingly endless series of disasters (see my About Me page HERE), I discovered something profound.

And that is, while pain is inevitable in life, suffering is a choice, it’s optional. With focused intention and effort, you can change your mindset around adversity in as little as 12 hours given the right tools and superpowers.

Impossible? Or I’m Possible

That’s what the world’s best elite runners said about running a sub-four-minute mile in the 1950s until the record was shattered by Roger Bannister in 1954. Since then, it’s been broken over 1,600 times!!

That’s what doctors told me about curing my MS and about my chances of ever running again.

That’s what friends told me after I overcame my husband's betrayal on my 40th birthday in 12 Hours.

So what was it that made the impossible possible?

A conscious decision to ignore limiting beliefs and instead go out and prove it can be done.

My goal is to show you that drastically short-cutting your suffering and pain is not only possible but preferable to the alternative. As Dr. Suess once said, “The future can be better than the present, and I have the power to make it so”. So why not let me help you change your perspective on the impossible.

Want to take a deeper dive into the MOD process? Discover the tools and mindset I use to overcome adversity by reading the first chapter of my self-help manual How to Get Over Betrayal in 12 Hours . It’s free!

The MOD Community

MOD is a place of transformation and growth. It’s where I’ve gained resilience, coping strategies, and a path to self-improvement. If you’re tired of suffering and seeking a better way to live, join MOD. You won’t regret it!
— Jessica
The Master of Disaster (MOD) Community focus on breaking free from ignorance, fear, and attachment. The wisdom and support here are invaluable. It’s not just a group; it’s a support system that’s transformed my life.
— Allan
The MOD Community is more than just a support group. Through engaging discussions, valuable resources, and the unwavering support of its members, you’ll find yourself on a path to a more fulfilling future. It’s a better way to live, and I’m grateful to have found this incredible community that has enriched my life in countless ways.
— Nicole

Want to start collecting the superpowers to master your disasters?