12 Principles of Life & Why this is Life Changing

Life is a series of unforeseeable events, a rollercoaster of highs and lows that can leave us bewildered, amused, or even disheartened. 

In our quest to navigate this wild ride, we often find ourselves grappling with questions like, "How can I truly get over adversity?" and "What tools can we employ to make sense of our experiences and emerge stronger?"

In this blog post, we present the "12 Principles of Life" – a powerful guide to finding meaning and growth in the face of adversity. These principles are designed to help you unlock your innate superpowers and view life's challenges through a new, empowering lens. 


I've distilled a lifetime's worth of wisdom and experience into 12 straightforward but incredibly potent principles. These supercharged principles are like your secret arsenal, guaranteed to equip you with the tools to bounce back from life's disasters and find contentment and happiness. 

By making these principles your own, you'll revolutionise the way you perceive adversity, change, and challenging situations. What's even better? You'll master the art of swiftly and effectively transforming suffering and pain into a mere blip on your happiness radar, often in as little as 12 hours. After all, the choice of how long you want to suffer is yours – be it 12 hours, 12 days, 12 years, or a lifetime.


Well, it's like having a secret toolkit for adulting in this crazy world. By following these principles, you'll supercharge your ability to handle whatever life throws your way. Expect to become more resilient, self-aware, and overall, just a happier camper. You'll find yourself taking those curveballs with style, turning obstacles into stepping stones. 

Plus, you'll be the captain of your ship, steering it toward a destination that truly rocks your boat. In a nutshell, these principles are your cheat codes to a life that's meaningful, joyful, and packed with the confidence that you've got this, no matter what. So why not give them a whirl? 

Your future self will thank you.


  1. Master Your Thoughts: Imagine your mind as a fickle friend who can either cheer you on or drag you down. Take control of your thoughts, silence your inner critic, and focus on creating a better version of yourself. Remember, no one can hurt you as much as you can hurt yourself. So, be your own best cheerleader!

  2. Acknowledge Impermanence: Life is a constant flux, like a flowing river that never stops. Everything has an expiration date, from relationships and jobs to your favourite pair of socks. Instead of resisting change, embrace it. Endings may be bittersweet, but they also pave the way for fresh beginnings.

  3. Find a Purpose in the Pain: When life throws lemons your way, don't just make lemonade—squeeze every drop of wisdom from it. Pain can be a catalyst for growth, teaching us valuable lessons and pushing us beyond our limits. Choose to let your darkest moments empower, not embitter, you.

  4. Respond With Radical Acceptance: Have you ever noticed how the more you fight reality, the more it fights back? Acceptance is your best friend in the face of adversity. Instead of resisting the present, ask yourself, "What's the wisest response for my happiness?" Be radical in your acceptance, and remember, you control the duration of your suffering.

  5. Unleash the Power of Perception: The world is like a gigantic canvas, and your perceptions are the brushes you wield to paint your reality. When you change your perception, you transform your experience. Problems become life lessons, and setbacks become stepping stones. So, flip your lens and embrace the beauty of different angles.

  6. Let Go of Unhealthy Attachments: Are you clutching to negativity, unhealthy beliefs, or behaviours that no longer serve you? It's time to let go of the past and the illusions of permanence. Change is the only constant, and it's liberating to release what's no longer useful in your life.

  7. Enable Empathy and Compassion: Suffering is not an exclusive club; it's an equal-opportunity visitor. Empathy and compassion help transform your individual struggles into shared experiences. Remember, your pain is not unique. Connect with others who've walked a similar path and embrace the power of shared empathy.

  8. Embrace Radical Forgiveness: Forgiveness is not a sign of weakness; it's a declaration of strength. Be radical in your forgiveness, not for others, but for yourself. By letting go of grudges and resentment, you create space in your heart and mind for peace and happiness to flourish.

  9. Use Gratitude as a Game Changer: In the grand play of life, gratitude is your secret weapon. Shift your focus from what's going wrong to what's going right. A heart full of gratitude silences the inner voices of complaint, negativity, and depression, reminding you of your abundant blessings.

  10. Take Action to Create Better Karma: Karma isn't just an abstract concept; it's a mirror reflecting your past actions. If you want to shape your future, plant better karmic seeds. Examine your role in creating your present reality and start sowing positivity to reap a harvest of joy.

  11. Cast Off the Mantle of Victimhood: Pointing fingers and playing the blame game won't make your life any better. Your happiness is in your hands, and so is your suffering. Ditch the victim mentality, and reclaim your power as the master of your destiny.

  12. Become a Maestro of Manifestation: Imagine yourself as a conductor in the grand symphony of life. Your thoughts, words, actions, and being are the instruments you wield. Maintain clarity about what you want to create and take decisive action in the present moment to shape the future you desire.

Life's journey is filled with twists, turns, and unexpected detours. By embracing the 12 Principles of Life, you can transform adversity into opportunities for growth and self-discovery. Master your thoughts, welcome change, find purpose in pain, and choose radical acceptance. Shift your perception, let go of what no longer serves you, and foster empathy and compassion. Forgive with all your heart, be grateful for what you have, and sow the seeds of better karma. Cast off the mantle of victimhood and become the maestro of your own destiny. With these playful yet powerful principles, you can navigate life's roller coaster with confidence and courage, and create the world you desire.

Curious to know how to implement this into your life? Download my 12 Principles guidebook! A FREE powerful action guide to overcoming adversity. 


Master of Radical Acceptance


Empowering Experience Retreat Nov 7-16th 2024 Espiritu Santo Is. Vanuatu