Master of Radical Acceptance

If you've read my book ‘The Master of Disaster’ you’ll know that I’ve been through it all, from pyramid schemes scams to abusive experimental doctors on a power trip. The one thing that was always there was to get me was the ability to Master Radical Acceptance. 

This is one of the 12 Principles of life that have enabled me to survive and thrive against all odds. Let me explain… 


Picture this: the more you struggle to deny or escape from a harsh reality, the more it wraps its slimy tentacles around you. Yikes, right? So here's the deal – you've got to ask yourself, "What's the smartest move for my current and future happiness?" Then, you've got to give that situation a big bear hug with your acceptance. That, my friends, is the art of radical acceptance in action.

This isn't about waving the white flag of surrender; it's about flexing your mental muscles and owning the moment. It's realising that you're the boss of your own suffering, and no one else holds the keys to that kingdom. Radical acceptance is your ticket to taking control of your emotional rollercoaster and ensuring you respond to life's curveballs with wisdom and style.

In other words, The more I try to deny or escape a painful reality, the more entangled I become in the tentacles of its embrace. So if it’s like this now, I need to ask myself, what is my wisest response for my present and future happiness and be radical with my acceptance. I control how long I suffer, no one else!  

This is responding with radical acceptance. 


Now, let's talk about the difference between reacting and responding. Reacting is like an impromptu interpretative dance to life's challenges. It's emotional, it's wild, and it often leaves you wondering, "What was I thinking?" Responding, on the other hand, is the cool, collected, and calculated approach. It's like sitting down to strategize your next move in a chess game – it's thoughtful, it's deliberate, and it sets you up for a win.


  1. Get Your Zen On: First things first, let's get all zen and mindful. You need to tune in to your thoughts, feelings, and knee-jerk reactions. No judgments, just observe and take notes.

  2. Reality Check: Instead of putting on your superhero cape and pretending the tough situation isn't happening, face it head-on. Be brave – the truth might hurt, but it's your ticket to the radical acceptance party.

  3. Drop the Resistance: Trust me, it's like wrestling an octopus – resisting the situation will just wear you out. Let go of the struggle, embrace the mess, and let the chips fall where they may.

  4. Hug Your Emotions: Your emotions are your BFFs. Don't kick them to the curb or stuff them in a box. Hug them tight, even if they're unruly and moody. They're part of the gang too.

  5. Self-Love Time: Treat yourself like you're the star of a self-compassion show. You wouldn't be harsh on a friend going through the wringer, right? Extend the same courtesy to yourself.

  6. Choose Your Own Adventure: After acknowledging the reality and taming your wild emotions, it's decision time. You're in the driver's seat, my friend. Choose the response that's got your back and aligns with your long-term happiness. It's like taking the high road, but with style.

Mastering radical acceptance isn't rocket science – it's your personal superpower. It's about giving life's craziness a big bear hug, embracing it for what it is, and handling it with the grace of a ninja.

In my world, radical acceptance has been the trusty sidekick that's guided me through the messiest of situations. Whether it's been outsmarting pyramid schemes or dealing with those not-so-charming doctors, radical acceptance has been the MVP of my journey. It's made me stronger, wiser, and tougher than a titanium-coated marshmallow.

As you embark on your own radical acceptance journey, remember it's a practice. Like learning a new dance move, it might take a little practice to get the hang of it. But trust me, it's worth it. So, the next time life throws a curveball your way, channel your inner radical acceptance guru. Embrace the reality, acknowledge your emotions, and respond with the flair of a ninja in a tuxedo. You've got this!

Want to become the master of disaster? 

Discover "Never Let a Good Disaster Go to Waste," Kat Finnerty's world shatters when her husband leaves her on her 40th birthday, just hours after life-altering surgery to cure her "incurable" disease. Miraculously, within 12 hours, Kat overcomes his betrayal, as if her disaster-prone life had armed her with superhero resilience.

Kat's incredible true story takes us from Toronto to the rugged Australian outback, where she learns that her nine lives can't offset her hardships. At 24, a crippling disease threatens to break her spirit, until fate intervenes through a tattooed Maori Buddhist teacher, a maverick Canadian yoga guru, and a Zen motorbike-riding rebel, unveiling profound insights about suffering.

As the pieces of her life's puzzle come together, Kat transforms into a master of disaster, defying the odds to cure her "incurable" disease. Infused with humour and the wisdom of Buddhist and Stoic philosophy, this life-changing memoir will inspire you to never waste a good disaster.

Download the first chapter free.


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