Mastering your Gratitude Practice

We’re round the corner from celebrating thanksgiving. For most of us, we’ll be enjoying holidays with family and friends which can bring up many challenges and triggers to swallow with another glass of vino. 

But gratitude goes beyond a quick prayer or thanks to someone, it’s a daily practice that keeps you rooted in what truly matters to you and a reminder that you already have so much to be thankful for. 

One of the core principles I unpack in my most popular free guide The 12 Principles of life, is - Use Gratitude as a Game Changer

An attitude of gratitude silences the voices of complaint, negativity and depression in my head.  When I stop focusing on what's going wrong and start focusing on what’s going right then I am reminded of all of my abundance and everything I have to be thankful for.

If you’ve been experiencing a particularly tumultuous time in your life where it feels like you’ve hit rock bottom, then this is especially for you. No matter how bad things may seem you can always find something to be grateful for which will in turn help shift your perspective on the situation. 


Practising gratitude is like a daily dose of happiness that keeps your spirits high and your outlook positive. It's the ultimate remedy for the grumble and mumble syndrome that can sneak into our lives. When you make a habit of counting your blessings, you start to see that proverbial glass as half full, and suddenly, life feels a whole lot brighter and more manageable.

But that's not all; gratitude is your secret weapon for better relationships. When you generously sprinkle appreciation on those around you, you become everyone's favourite party guest. People love to be around someone who recognizes and values their contributions, and it's a surefire way to build trust and strengthen connections.

Gratitude isn't just about mental perks; it packs a punch for your physical health too. It's like a superhero for stress reduction, anxiety management, and sleep improvement. Your blood pressure chills out, your immune system gets a boost, and you're better equipped to tackle life's curveballs.

So, whether it's that perfect cup of coffee that kick starts your day or the quirks of your best friend that make you smile, gratitude turns everyday moments into something extraordinary. It's the seasoning that makes life's dish a little bit spicier and a whole lot more delicious!

Here is my 6 step guide to embodying gratitude as a daily practice. 

  1. Start Your Day with Gratitude: Picture this – you roll out of bed, hair resembling a bird's nest, and the world's most important decision: what's for breakfast? Well, before you dive into your daily grind, take a moment to ponder three things you're thankful for. It could be as simple as that glorious cup of joe that's your morning salvation, your loving family whose quirks and all, or the chance to chase your wildest dreams. Starting the day on a thankful note is like giving a high-five to life.

  2. Keep a Gratitude Journal: Think of this as your "happy diary." It's not about writing Shakespearean sonnets but about jotting down the everyday moments that put a smile on your face. From your dog's goofy antics to the taste of that perfectly ripe avocado, these notes will serve as your gratitude time capsule. When you hit a bumpy road, flip through your journal, and you'll find it's your very own treasure trove of positivity.

  3. Share Your Gratitude: It's time to spread those good vibes like confetti. Let your people - family, friends, colleagues - know that you appreciate them. It's like gifting emotional bouquets. Not only will you make their day, but you'll be amazed at how this gratitude boomerang bounces right back at you, reinforcing your own sense of appreciation.

  4. Focus on the Present: Ever get caught in the "What's next?" whirlwind? It's like looking at a stunning sunset through a camera, missing the full splendour because you're too busy capturing it. Gratitude reminds you to hit the pause button, soak in the moment, and cherish the here and now. After all, life is a live show, not a replay.

  5. Practice Random Acts of Kindness: Imagine you're the James Bond of good deeds, but instead of saving the world, you're spreading kindness. Whether it's holding the door for a stranger, buying a coffee for the person behind you, or even giving your umbrella to that unsuspecting soul caught in the rain – these simple acts are like little happiness grenades that explode with joy and gratitude.

  6. End Your Day with Reflection: As the day winds down, don your gratitude detective hat. Review the day's events and spot three things to be thankful for. It could be the taste of a delicious meal, the heartwarming chat with a friend, or simply the comfort of your cosy bed. This practice is your ticket to drifting off with a smile and waking up with an optimistic attitude, ready to tackle a new day. 

So there you have it, your recipe for daily doses of gratitude. It's not about grand gestures or Pulitzer-worthy essays; it's about infusing your everyday life with moments of thankfulness. Remember, gratitude isn't a chore; it's your secret sauce for making life a bit more awesome, one thankful thought at a time!

Yes. gratitude is the fastest way to lift you out of your state of despair so you can start feeling brighter and lighter one day at a time. But don’t take my word for it, give it a go. You’d be surprised how just one simple mindset shift can change everything. 

Now, I'd love to hear from you. What's your favourite way of practising gratitude? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. Remember, by sharing your gratitude practices, you may inspire others to embark on their own journey of thankfulness.


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