Mastering Your Manifestations

It’s been a ten-year journey to reach this point where I’m about to publish my first book, Never Let A Good Disaster Go to Waste. I’ve worked on it all over the world - Australia, Bali, Canada, Vietnam and Vanuatu - and never once did it cross my mind that it wasn’t going to happen. The reality of my book being published has always been firmly front and centre of my mind.

The actual impetus to start the book occurred on my 40th birthday when my husband of 14 years told me he was leaving me for a friend. It was devastating and earth-shattering. But I managed to get over his betrayal in 12 hours thanks to my unique life history of coping with disasters.

As a result of this, I decided to write a small self-help manual called How to Get Over Betrayal in 12 Hours. My dad described the first draft I presented to him as “a pamphlet”. But now, that pamphlet has morphed into three books: a 100,000 word memoir, a companion self-help manual (How to Get Over Betrayal in 12 Hours) and a third book of my crazy adventures in the South Pacific (Kat’s Tales of the South Pacific).

All the people I’ve met along the way who have helped and been part of this endeavour, and there have been dozens let me tell you, have been nothing short of serendipitous, amazing and inspiring. And because of this, I’ve learnt something important along the way. When you take on a big project or a big goal, when you want to manifest something powerful for yourself, you have to commit 100% to the process (there is no doubting or giving up). You also have to understand the end goal has to be about something bigger than yourself, something that will be empowering and inspiring to others, so that no obstacle can stop you. In my case, my goal was (and still is) to create a world in which people don’t have to suffer needlessly, one in which they have the tools and techniques to short-cut their suffering and bounce back into happiness quicker. My aim is to create a Master of Disaster army that can overcome any adversity or disaster and transform them into an opportunity for growth, a life lesson, a gift.

And that brings me to the art of mastering your manifestation. It’s one of my core 12 Principles to becoming a master of disaster. One of my favourite sayings is, where the mind goes, the energy flows. In other words, THINK, SPEAK, ACT and BE what you want your future self and your future world to look like. To do this you need to be vigilant with your thoughts. Why? Because manifesting essentially means you are actively choosing to have a say in your future.

Think of it as mindful willpower.

Here are some tips on how to do this successfully:-

  1. Develop a road map and some clarity and conviction around your goals so you can figure out which direction you want to go

  2. Decide what it is you really want in your life (which may differ from what you desire in the short term) 

  3. Create a story you are going to tell yourself and others in order to claim your future 

  4. And finally, make sure to ask for it

    Remember this: The Universe isn’t a genie, it doesn’t just grant your wishes with a click of its fingers and a puff of smoke.

You have to actually work for it. Knowing what you want is only half the battle. And that means doing the hard yards to convince both your conscious and subconscious mind to accept the 'new reality' you plan to create for it. More importantly, once you do this, you have to follow through with actions that mirror that intent. There is no room for putting out mixed signals. But the good news is, once you’ve started on this journey of self-discovery, once you’ve let go of your limiting beliefs, negative self-talk and past fears, your mind will then do everything in its power to achieve your dreams. 

At this moment in my life, my manifestation is almost a reality. I have put together a launch team of nearly 1500 members, or as I like to refer to them as —masters of disaster recruits.

Call me a dreamer, but I have an audacious goal - to make my book a best seller - not because I want the fame and fortune but because I believe it will truly make a difference to a lot of people suffering needlessly out there. If you can help make this dream a reality please invite friends to join the group by sharing the link or PM me and I will message you a PDF of my Kat’s Kause doc.


‘Never Let a Good Disaster Go to Waste - A remarkable true story of finding courage and contentment within chaos’.


Mastering Your Perception